Disease controlling of paddy rice
It has special treatment to paddy blast, false or green smut, pattern blight, bacterial streak, bacterial leaf blight, sheath rot, blight, brown ear, yellow seedling etc.
Various nutrient substances formed during the fermentation process of the product, could improve weak seedling, dead seedling, rot seedling, root rot, curl leaf, yellow leaf, non-tiller and other symptoms caused by high temperature, high humidity, improper use of herbicide, mechanical injury, harm caused by improper use of pesticide fertilizer etc.
June 2010, The Company went to Vietnamto carry out investigation on the spot, pay visit, and exchange, signature of quarantine free agreement of selling tetramycin inVietnam. At present, it has been a main popularized medicament to control paddy white leaf blight inVietnam.
Tests inHeilongjiangreclaim and cultivate wasteland for agriculture indicated that the controlling efficacy of tetramycin against paddy blast was over 94%, safe to paddy rice, and protect paddy from leaf sheath rot and other diseases. The plant height, ear length, the rate of bearing fruit etc. were noticeable higher than the control, thousand-grain weight increased by 0.5~0.7 g, the yield increased by 10~12.3%.
Report of good news: Institute of Plant Protection of China Academy of Agricultural Science the latest test results: Tetramycin has special efficacy against paddy green smut.
Room microbial inhibition experiment showed that 0.15% tetramycin dilution of 100 thousand has obvious inhibition ring, farmland pilot experiment results were even obvious, diluted for 500 times, 1000 times, 2000 times, the controlling efficacy of tetramycin were 91.5%, 85.3%, 80.9% respectively; the controlling efficacy of Bayer-made 1500 times diluted “Take the enemy stably” (Trifloxystrobin + tebuconazole) was 81.2%, 750 times diluted jinggangmeisu only 56.5%, the yield increasing efficacy of tetramycin was500 kgper mu over the control, the other control were below430 kgper mu, grain per ear, rate of bearing fruit, thousand-grain weight of various treated by tetramycin were obviously higher than those control medicament of “take the enemy” and jinggangmeisu.